EPIC, Ethanol Promotion and Information Council, is also very involved in this contest. They have certain goals for this promotion as well as a standard of values that must be met. So this contest is well thought out and involves multiple groups of people working for a similar cause. Votigo and EPIC have formatted a working partnership which results in an interactive and innovative spin on just another video contest. The commercials produced by consumers can be integrated into their existing websites and include links to areas that include information specific to the Fuel the Change contest. Votigo connects businesses and organizations with consumers too so there is a mass outreach to people involved at every level.
The organizations feel very confident about this year's Fuel the Change contest and believe the teaming up with Votigo could bring in some of the best results. There is also a large grand prize of $10,000 to the winner of this contest who also gets the chance to have their commercial aired on ABC. Applicants are accepted until April 21, 2008 and the winners are selected on May 7. I think this contest will be very successful because alternative energy and energy conservation are such a big issue in the world right now and people are becoming more and more conscious of their actions. I also think that the best way to get the message out and get more attention for your contest is to team up with a successful brand or website because they already have a large fan base who is loyal as well. It seems like EPIC and Digital Dialogue, marketing agency, did a very good job of planning the contest out and made decisions that could make this contest really successful. I'm interested in seeing how well the contest does and if Votigo will become the server they use every year.